Ensemble Studio Theatre's Octoberfest reading series is under way, and Subterranea was performed twice last week to great success. I would have posted about it here, but Jon and I literally were staying up all night making changes and revising based on what we learned in the rehearsal room. Octoberfest is a pretty amazing event with about a million shows going day and night. We were nestled in between some of the most exciting playwrights out there now, all of us giving our shows another baby step forward in development. It felt like the big leagues.
The team was as follows:
Nick: Paco Tolson
Dick: Jon Hoche
Ensemble: Erica Swindell, Julia Crockett, and Amy Waschke
Director/Stage Directions: Robert Ross Parker
These actors gave so much, and rolled with our punches every time we met. Trying this, trying that, getting out of the comfort zone, dealing with cuts, trying out dialects...it was amazing to watch them tackle all of that and we were honored to have them aboard.
We are also proud to announce that the machinery of production is revving up, and we are actively meeting producers to get this thing off the ground. It's an extremely exciting time. Thanks to Graeme Gillis, Annie Trizna, Tim Scales, Kate our stage manager, and Heidi Handelsman for their staff support at EST.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
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