Just did another reading at The Lark followed by an out of the blue opportunity to debut a new play at Shakespeare-on-the-Sound's reading series in Rowayton, CT. It was called A Bed the Size of Portugal by Mat Smart. Awoye Timpo, my friend from days of old, directed it and there were a lot of laughs all around.
Wanted to stay in Rowayton (5 min from the Darien stop on the MetroNorth) to see Joanna Settle's production of Midsummer but it threatened rain and, as it's an outdoor theater, was ultimately cancelled. The show has music by Stew, whose stuff I love, so it was a double disappointment there was no show that night. The trip up from Grand Central was a good 50 minutes, so not too bad. Will try and get out there again before it closes.

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