Okay, everyone. I am back in LA after appearing in one of the most successful shows of my theatrical career: The Inexplicable Redemption of Agent G. Time now to concentrate on camera work. But before I move on, let me say a quick thank you. Now that I am over the jetlag and the madness of the graduation ceremonies and screenings at CalArts, I can give a proper shout out to the people who materially supported my stay in NYC.
First and foremost, my parents and sister.
Next, the brave souls who let me stay with them at their apartments:
Adam Mazer, Dan Rogers, Natalie Eilbert and Matt
Brian Morvant and Samantha Mason
Aaron Weiner and Jamie Klassel
Alison and Bill Washabaugh
Temar Underwood and Andrea Smith
Amy Waschke
Next, those who took me under their wing:
Jon Hoche and Erica Swindell
Angel Desai
And those who got me side gigs to keep the cash flow flowing:
Julie Leedes and Chris Ceraso with MTC
Billie Levinson from The Actor's Work Program
(Jon Hoche, Brian Morvant, Kris Ayers: thanks for the leads!)
You guys all made it possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.